Wednesday, 22 June 2016


Cooked by delicate burning
In a bowl, lay, lifeless chunks
Unaware of its life’s purpose
Cling to its family pieces

A brave one then ventures out
To be fed to a thirsty candle
Between a heartless pair of tongs
Tip of which, ironically,
Cold to the wrathful warmth

Its black body imbibe the red
From the fire devouring it
Orange, red, orange-red
Randomly, smiling ruby
Randomly, frowning red

Newborn fire in tummy
Perishes if not fueled
Tongs feed the flame again
A million dust of diamonds
Keep the charcoal burning

Powdered incense now rain on hot coal
Evoking a fragrance none knew
Deeper the red, mightier the dance
Of white smoke that arose
At times sandalwood, sometimes of rose

Skin of the musky fragrance explores
Curves of an empty room
Spicy, sweet, scented molecules
Fondling every object it owns

The black flesh with peeling gray skin
Glows sunnier with a puff of wind
Fulfill existence as intended
And heaves a sigh of red

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


Blue, the back of my eyelids
A tinge of stark
I step into a space
My room is never dark

For I dread it
My space is never dark
Not darkness of truth
But the color black

Blue, the color of my eyelids
Escort me to space
Intangible, indefinite bits
I stare, closed eyes in daze

The skies and blue oceans
Gush with enticing expanse
Unite at a mysterious horizon
An everlasting trance

Blue, the color of skin
He’s an embodiment of truth
His dainty fingers enjoy
Caress of the exquisite flute

The warmth of sapphire
And a stroke of azure on canvas
I touch both with delicate care
Blue; my growing madness

Blue, the color of my eyelids
Escort me to space
Intangible, indefinite bits
I stare, closed eyes in daze

O Dearly loved!

I wait, Nervy, eager, in anticipation Like the first birth of a child Heart quivering to clasp him close Nights bereft of sleep Like a new...