Wednesday, 6 May 2020


I let the wind guide my swing
to the depths beneath the waves floating

Distant laughs and guitar strings.
Fallen brown leaves and broken twigs.

The sun drops its glitter on river skin
and between the tree leaves, its rays piercing

But as it sets, and the white glimmer turns gold
I realize, the sun goes nowhere. Only I do.


The light from sun, her raiment.
Bedecked with jewels of clouds.
Enticed him with the sweet warmth
of her curves on a bed of black.
He waltzed and sang in abandon,
the merry cries of her beauty and delight.
She danced and asked the clouds to disappear
to let him caress her hair that night.

Sunday, 3 May 2020


This fire within, burns like a scream
and a drop of tear.
Raging fire or molten lava
leaving a fire trail,
quenched only by the
liberating hands of expression.

But then how shall one express
the sound of bottomless silence?
How shall one capture
the cosmos’ spectacle of colors,
unless to grasp its dance and colors,
becomes one’s wild obsession?

O Dearly loved!

I wait, Nervy, eager, in anticipation Like the first birth of a child Heart quivering to clasp him close Nights bereft of sleep Like a new...