Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Of the Ocean, stories I’ve heard.
The magnitude of which, petrifying.
But so is the sky from here, isn’t?
What makes the Ocean different?
Perhaps it’s the same.
The Ocean could eat me up, they say.
But why shouldn’t I let it?
Aren’t I just a drop anyway?

So, like the river, I flow.
Thirsty flowers and fishes drink from me.
Sometimes, I hop on the back of a twig.
Sometimes, a leaf.
For a drop in the river I am,
flowing with the grace of the undercurrent.
Like the river, I surge,
in deep hunger to merge with my Ocean.


  1. Got a glimpse of that cosmic observer from which these lines are flowing! Nice! Will read more..

    Haha "hop on the back of a twig sometimes"

  2. I have that deep hunger to merge with the ocean too


O Dearly loved!

I wait, Nervy, eager, in anticipation Like the first birth of a child Heart quivering to clasp him close Nights bereft of sleep Like a new...